Sarah C Bell

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La Niña, Urban Fairytales Book One: Paper Doll and The Urban Fairytales Book Two: Love Story by Sarah C Bell.

Sarah C Bell is the boldest writer and artist I’ve ever come across.  Largely autobiographical, her work is brave, luscious, hilarious, naughty, sexy, graphic, riveting, poignant and, most of all, honest.  It’s this honesty – along with her remarkable artistic talent, humour, and inventiveness – that gives an edge to her work, lacking in most women’s written or visual accounts of their lives.  This is her everyday with no attempt to contrive a character or prettify her life: it is simply a woman unselfconsciously baring her experiences of lust, loss,  sex, love, fury, bewilderment, domesticity, despair, creativity, hilarity, intimacy, sucky days and wedding days.  It’s a vibrant portrayal by a vibrant woman that chronicles what women want and who they are in a way that makes the aeons spent on the study of the subject – from pop culture to academic treatises – look like a waste of time when she can capture it in a single comic.  Hers is a fresh, candid, and zany take on life from Good Luck Troll Whore to her lovely wedding day.

The Urban Fairytales Book Two: Love Story is available on amazon and La Niña, Urban Fairytales Book One: Paper Doll can be purchased directly from Sarah C Bell


All work copyright © Sarah C Bell.